Oh No!, Words

I Hate Snow

There is no quick emoji for Hate as there is for ❤️; but I hate the snow. It has snowed when I least want it. In England, I never want it, for what good does it do? It’s okay for kids. One time, when I was just of age to be allowed to walk to… Continue reading I Hate Snow

Oh No!

Prompt me why don’cha

Share five things you’re good at. Do you put things down expecting to find them again in the same place? I’m good at that. The Happiness Engineers not so good at that, I think. It was only pointed out to me recently that there’s a daily prompt on the WordPress/Jetpack apps. Why hadn’t I noticed… Continue reading Prompt me why don’cha

Oh No!

A Tweet, a Medium piece and a Quora question walk into a bar…

I get emails and I don’t know why I don’t just unsubscribe from these places but, looking on the positive side, they do throw up the occasional thought-gem. ~ * * * ~ Medium “Never trust a person whose tv is bigger than their Bookshelf ” from ‘7 Best Advices from “THE SUBTLE ART OF… Continue reading A Tweet, a Medium piece and a Quora question walk into a bar…